4 reasons why the next Gumption Café is tailor-made for you!

Is a single source of truth for all product data high on your company's agenda? A central, reliable information source with access for all stakeholders, eliminating inconsistencies, errors, and discussions - based on efficiently integrated business systems? Then the Gumption Café on March 28th is tailored for you!

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The Gumption Cafés are networking events focused on digital topics.

The latest edition in March focuses on central product data management and integration.
Three leading companies will testify about their achievements.

Here are four reasons why you shouldn't miss this Gumption Café!
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Join us at the Gumption Café

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1. Real-life testimonials from the field

Experts share their digital challenges and the solutions they found. The examples are drawn from companies like yours. Innovation is beautiful, but it proves its value in its application. Applied innovation is the cornerstone of our Cafés. With that, 18 Gumption companies are making a difference.

2. Strengthen your network with quality contacts

Exclusive, informal, interactive, and inspiring—that's how participants describe the Gumption Cafés. With a small group, we guarantee depth and the exchange of valuable ideas. Every participant gets ample opportunity to ask questions. Quality are the focus of networking. Your network is your compass to success. You meet people facing the same digital challenges as you.

3. Inspiration and new insights

We focus on one current business challenge. Our clients' cases bring applied innovation to life. Be inspired by high-quality testimonials from experienced business leaders. They are experts. As experienced professionals, they openly and honestly share pitfalls and successes.

4. The ideal catalyst for your change journey

More than a speaker event, a Gumption Café is a meeting place. Open dialogue is paramount. You discuss business and technology challenges in an open and constructive atmosphere. You learn from mistakes, including those of others. No two companies are alike, but digital challenges often overlap. New insights give wings to your change journey.

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1. Real-life testimonials from the field

Experts share their digital challenges and the solutions they found. The examples are drawn from companies like yours. Innovation is beautiful, but it proves its value in its application. Applied innovation is the cornerstone of our Cafés. With that, 18 Gumption companies are making a difference.

2. Strengthen your network with quality contacts

Exclusive, informal, interactive, and inspiring—that's how participants describe the Gumption Cafés. With a small group, we guarantee depth and the exchange of valuable ideas. Every participant gets ample opportunity to ask questions. Quality are the focus of networking. Your network is your compass to success. You meet people facing the same digital challenges as you.

3. Inspiration and new insights

We focus on one current business challenge. Our clients' cases bring applied innovation to life. Be inspired by high-quality testimonials from experienced business leaders. They are experts. As experienced professionals, they openly and honestly share pitfalls and successes.

4. The ideal catalyst for your change journey

More than a speaker event, a Gumption Café is a meeting place. Open dialogue is paramount. You discuss business and technology challenges in an open and constructive atmosphere. You learn from mistakes, including those of others. No two companies are alike, but digital challenges often overlap. New insights give wings to your change journey.

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Join us at the Gumption Café

Gumption Cafés prove their business value

These market leaders already testified about their applied innovation journey:

In 2022, office real estate expert Soulbricks and real estate agent Home Invest Belgium zoomed in on smart offices.

The second edition focused on e-mobility, featuring FEBIAC, Agoria, and ITS.be.

In 2023, the first Café addressed e-commerce, with electrical chain Excellent, online pet store Pharmapets, and coffee specialist Miko.

Scaffolding builder Afix, wholesaler Van Oirschot, medical manufacturer Nipro, and pharmaceutical producer Verfora explained their flexible supply chain.

Curious? Here's what you can expect on 28 March:

Three top companies testify about the necessity and impact of central data management and smart integration. Allinox, pgb-Europe, and Arvesta will converse with you during the Gumption Cafés on March 28th (Kontich).

  • Discover why and how smart data and process integration is the key to data consistency, efficient collaboration, and informed decision-making.
  • With an integration platform, you manage all integrations in one central place.
  • A Product Information Management (PIM) system can be invaluable. It is specially designed to manage, enrich, and distribute product data across various channels. The benefits of PIM are extensive, impacting the efficient dissemination of product information, customer experience, brand perception, and productivity in your organization.
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